Thursday 26 September 2024

Astha Ayurveda Treatment In Delhi

Astha Ayurveda Treatment in Delhi: Embracing Holistic Healing

Introduction to Astha Ayurveda

Astha Ayurveda is a prominent center in Delhi dedicated to promoting holistic healing through traditional Ayurvedic practices. With a focus on individual health needs, Astha Ayurveda treatment in Delhi aims to restore balance and vitality through natural remedies and personalized treatment plans and a mission of spreading awareness in Ayurveda and managing chronic obstinate lifestyle disorders under the astute leadership of Dr. Sandeep Madaan M.D.Ayurveda and Dr. Suman Madaan. Dr. Sandeep Madaan is an Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi of repute having the post-graduate degree in Ayurveda treatments from reputed Rajasthan University and rich experience of more than 14 years in Ayurveda Training centre and treatment.

Why Choose Astha Ayurveda?

  1. Expert Practitioners: Astha Ayurveda features experienced and qualified Ayurvedic doctors who specialize in various health conditions.

  2. Personalized Care: Each treatment is tailored to the individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and health concerns, ensuring effective outcomes.

  3. Natural Treatments: Utilizing herbal medicines, dietary recommendations, and therapeutic procedures, Astha Ayurveda emphasizes safe, natural healing.

Key Treatments Offered

  1. Panchakarma: This detoxification therapy includes five procedures designed to cleanse the body of toxins and rejuvenate overall health.

  2. Herbal Medicine: Customized herbal formulations target specific ailments, promoting healing from within.

  3. Lifestyle Counseling: Practitioners offer guidance on daily routines and dietary habits to support long-term wellness.

  4. Stress Management: Techniques such as Shirodhara and Abhyanga are employed to alleviate stress and enhance mental clarity.

Astha Ayurveda in Delhi stands out as a beacon of holistic healing, offering a range of effective treatments rooted in Ayurvedic tradition. For anyone seeking to restore balance and embrace wellness, Astha Ayurveda is a commendable choice. Explore the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment and embark on your journey to better health today and Astha Ayurveda is the best choice for gate a Ayurveda Treatment.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Experience Deep Relaxation with Shirodhara at Aastha Ayurveda

At Aastha Ayurveda, we understand the importance of holistic wellness, and our Shirodhara therapy is designed to bring balance to your mind, body, and spirit. Shirodhara is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves gently pouring warm herbal oil over the forehead, specifically targeting the third eye or Ajna chakra.

Derived from the Sanskrit words "shiro" (head) and "dhara" (flow), Shirodhara aims to calm the nervous system, promote relaxation, and rejuvenate the senses. This therapy is renowned for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, insomnia, and mental fatigue, leaving you feeling deeply tranquil and revitalized.

Our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners personalize each Shirodhara Shirodhara session to suit your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a truly transformative experience. We use premium-quality herbal oils and authentic techniques to deliver therapeutic benefits that go beyond relaxation, fostering a profound sense of inner peace and well-being.

Discover the profound healing power of Shirodhara at Aastha Ayurveda and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness and inner harmony. Schedule your appointment today and experience the blissful tranquility of this ancient Ayurvedic therapy.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Keeping up With Congruity With Ahtha Ayurveda

Ayurveda generally underscores keeping a harmony between brain, body, and climate. Doshas can result from any imbalance in this. There are three types of doshas: the Vata Dosha, the Pitta Dosha, and the Kapha Dosha.

An internal purification process is the first step in Ayurvedic treatment, followed by a customized diet, some herbal treatments, therapies, and yoga.

A new concept of online consultation with an ayurvedic physician emerged following the COVID pandemic. Patients and doctors alike prefer video or phone consultations to stay safe. The doctor switches to the medication after filling out the basic form and providing some brief information about the issues. Even ayurvedic medicines cannot be taken without first consulting a doctor, as with any other medication.

Ayurveda as a subject is like any other subject in that it can be studied. This is not a job you can take lightly. A comprehensive course is offered. One can turn into an ayurvedic specialist just once you clear every one of the requirements.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Looking For Herbal Infertility Treatment in Delhi?


Infertility has become a common problem in both men and women. It is a condition in which men and women try to conceive children but are unable to become pregnant or have a child. The reason for infertility even after unprotected intercourse can be because of some abnormal issues happening to both men and women externally or internally in their bodies.  Therefore men and women who suffer from infertility should take treatment. Herbal Infertility Treatment in Delhi has proved very helpful.

Causes of infertility in females:

  • Hormonal disturbance or PCOD
  • Stress, anxiety, depression.
  • Poor lifestyle and obesity
  • Reproductive problems- like defects in reproductive anatomy 
  • Medical illness 
  • Infections
  • obesity

Causes of infertility in males: 

  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Defects or injuries in the reproductive system or reproductive anatomy
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Poor lifestyle

Ayurveda suggests four elements for fertility:

  • Healthy sperm
  • Healthy ovum
  • Healthy uterus
Nourishment of all three of them


For reproduction, the sperm, ovum, and uterus should get proper nutrition and nourishment.  In Ayurveda infertility is referred to as bandhyatva.  Ayurveda suggests the treatment of infertility by the process of rejuvenation and treatment for the issues and disorders associated with infertility is always fruitful as it is purely herbal.

For infertility treatment, Ayurveda focuses on the use of herbal medicines (Herbal Infertility Treatment in Delhi)for both men and women. Varieties of herbal medicines are available for different causes and issues associated with infertility. You can completely rely on herbal medicines for infertility and take them for a longer period as they are 100 percent natural and perfect for infertility treatment. Herbs that men can have are ashwagandha, musli, salammishri, Swarna, and shilajatu , while women can have ashoka, patranga, shatavari, pippalai, dhataki, hingu, etc. to fight infertility thereby fulfilling their wish of becoming parents successful. 

Friday 8 July 2022


 Have a sweet tooth! Love to eat delicious and tasty food! But suffering from diabetes and another kidney failure disorder debars you from relishing delicious and scrumptious dishes. Well, Ayurvedic treatment can be the best option for you to overcome all such problems and enjoy a disease-free life.

Ayurvedic treatments are one the most renowned treatments that are being used in the present world. It helps to manage chronic and life-threatening diseases which cannot be reversed by several other medical grounds such as homeopathic treatment or be it allopathic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes is highly recommended to be taken under the guidance of different specialists that can help to overcome this disease within a short span of time. It can be noted that people have benefitted from Ayurvedic treatment. For diabetes, there are several therapists that have managed a wide range of natural, authentic, effective, and safe herbal supplements, and also they have performed several cost-effective therapies while managing other kinds of chronic diseases.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure disorder can also be helpful. Ayurveda comes with an extraordinary and particular technique for chronic kidney disease. As mentioned above, the motive lies with the rakta or meda dhatu which sooner or later vitiates the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dosha ensuing in disease. Hence pacification of those doshas enables them to deal with the disease. Ayurvedic treatment mainly comprises homemade remedies that can be beneficial for proper treatment. There are different therapies that come under Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure disorder which can help you to overcome these problems. 

In the case of the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, it can also be easily reduced by homemade remedies. Ayurveda undoubtedly has the best remedies and one must opt for this medical ground for the best results. 


Tuesday 11 January 2022

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes and Best Reversal Experts

 Diabetes is commonly known as Madhumeha or prameha in Ayurveda that translates as ‘sweet

urine. Madhu means sweet and Meha means urine in Ayurveda, thus the name Madhumeha

arrived as the diabetic urines smell and taste like honey. In Ayurveda, it has been explained that

every individual has a unique blend of dosas divided into three types namely: Vata, Pitta and

Kapha. Vata and Pitta Doshas are airy and dry while Kapha is heavy, cold and slimy.

When doshas get imbalanced, they result in many health-related issues. When your Kapha gets

imbalanced, that is when you get diabetes. Ayurvedic treatments help to remove the imbalance

of this dosha and the treatments will work if you will continue doing them.


Ayurveda itself is unique and so is the treatment provided for a diabetic individuals. Ayurvedic

treatment for Diabetes in Delhi will be provided by Specialists of Aastha Ayurveda that will

include Pathya ( diet ), medication, Vyaayam ( exercise ) and Panchakarma ( procedures related

to bio purifications ). According to Ayurveda, there are twenty types of diabetes, four of them

are caused due to Vata, Six of them are caused due to Pitta and ten of them are caused due to

Kapha. Ayurveda will help in four following ways:

1. Detoxification

Diabetes can result in obesity or emaciation. Detoxification of the body will help

individuals who are not too weak. Panchakarma is one such detoxification programme.

2. Diet

A diet plan for diabetic individuals will contain simple food for regulating sugar in the

body for reducing blood glucose levels. The diest will include light and bitter vegetables,

ghee, herd, barley and other food items that will be differ according to your nature. If

you are someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes then it will be better to ask

diabetes specialists in Aastha Ayurveda to manage the diet plan accordingly.

Some foods must be avoided if you are diabetic such as sugar, oil, jaggery, sugarcane

juice, cakes, sour beverages, a;cohol, curd, junk foods, butter, cold drinks, biscuits, root

rhizome and carbohydrate dense foods.

3. Herbal Remedies

Some herbs are used to help diabitic individuals such as

● Turmeric

● Saptrangi

● Vijaysar

● Bilva

● Gurmar

● Karela

● Tulsi

● Fenugreek

● Neem

● Guggulu

● Amla

4. Lifestyle difference

Ayurveda is not all about remedies but also about yoga and exercies. The treatment

provided by ayurveda will consist of regular yoga sessions including Pranayama, Surya

Namaskar, Balasana, Vajarasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana and Dhanurasana.


Diabetes Reversal is term that is used when significant and long term improvement in insulin-

sensitive individuals haveing type-2 diabetes happens. Diabetes Reversal will happen only when

you will be under th guidance of experts. It is also very importnat to have a lifestyle where you

take you rmedication in right time and amount, where you do yoga and othe rexercices reglary,

where you stay away from food that can be harmful, where you take in consideration of

Ayurvedic experts trying to bring your diabetes in control. Noticable changes can be observed in

span of few months if you will be consistant with the lifestyle choices.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Best Ayurvedic treatment for Diabete -Dr Sandeep Madaan Md Ayurveda

 Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes Ayurveda mentions diabetes as madhumeha. It is a type of data prameha disorder. The degeneration is the main cause of diabetes according to Ayurveda. It is caused due to a sedentary lifestyle, heavy food, Vata vitiation. Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Delhi offered by Astha Ayurveda in Delhi. - See more at: 

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