Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Ayurveda doctor in delhi


Irritable bowel syndrome is not a new disease for Ayurveda. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is classified as IBS -a, IBS- c and IBS- d types with varying symptoms. In contemporary medical science there is no treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Most of the sufferers of IBS are referred to psychiatrists or put on antianxiety and antidepressants with a lot of unpleasant side effects. 

Ayurveda has described various symptoms of this disease underPravahika and Grahni6roga.Interestingly Ayurveda classifies GrahniRoga based on Dosha predominance like VatajGrahni, PittajGrahni&KaphajGrahni. Grahni and Pravahikaare chronic diseases having most of the symptoms similar to IBS. Tynasmus, unformed stools, flatulence,cramps, tympanitis, bloating, nauseating sensation and coated tongue are some of the problems faced by IBS sufferers.

While looking at the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome prakrutior constitution of the sufferer is always kept in mind.  The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome includes the oral herbal medications, exercises and dietary recommendations based upon one’s disease and constitution. AasthaAyurveda is one of the best ibs clinics in Delhi dealing with a lot of sufferers with same problem. Many people come for Ayurveda treatment in Delhi for the ibs while others consult online and order the medicines. There are herbs to strengthen the nerves that control the intestinal movements (peristalsis), and manage the gas, bloating, loose or hard stools. We at AasthaAyurveda clinic also prescribe the right diet and life style to the sufferer that helps him in long run.  If you are looking for solution to ibs problem or searching ibs clinic at delhi or best ayurveddoctors  in delhi , Do Visit and contact us for  IBS’s Ayurvedic treatment in Delhi, and for more information. Wish you pink Health.


Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by recurrent headache and is accompanied with nausea/vomiting. The sufferers are mainly female with family history of same illness. There are frequent headache which last from few hours to 2-3 days. There is intense pain and intolerance to light. At last the person is relieved by vomiting and sleep. 

Ayurveda describes migraine as ardhavabhedaka disorder. The problem is caused mainly due to vata and kapha. The person also has symptoms of pitta imbalance like yellow bitter vomiting and acidity. It is managed with specially designed herbal formulations to strengthen the nerves, balance the doshas and managing the response to life style problems. We at asthaayurveda clinic are experienced with problems faced by sufferers in day to day life and the tips to manage them. This really makes us the best clinic for ayurveda treatment at delhi and outside. Many people searching for ayurvedicdoctors in delhifor  migraine find us a reliable and effective service provider. 

AasthaAyurveda is engaging one of the ayurvedic doctors in Delhi dealing with a lot of sufferers with same problem. Many people come for migraine’s Ayurveda treatment in Delhi for the migraine while others consult online and order the medicines. There are herbs to strengthen the nerves that and manage the headache, nausea and vomiting. We at AasthaAyurveda clinic also prescribe the effective Ayurveda treatment, right diet and life style to the sufferer that helps him in long run.  If you are looking for solution to migraine problem or searching migraine clinic at delhi or best Ayurvedic doctor in delhi for migraine , Do Visit and contact us for migraine Ayurveda treatment in Delhi and more information. Wish you pink Health.