Monday, 8 April 2019

The Ayurvedic Treatment For Piles And Pimples Would Be Worth Considering

The problem of piles can be agonizing for the individual who is suffering from it. But the best thing is that most of hemorrhoid (piles) conditions can be exhaustively treated in Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic treatment for piles in Delhi is considered as the best option to keep this issue at bay for a longer period or fix it permanently. On the other hand, Ayurvedic treatment for pimples is also effective as it applies proved method and medicine to help you get rid of pimples.

Ayurvedic treatment for piles

The problem of piles is one of the most troublesome issues. Constipation plays a major role in developing piles. Usually, it occurs due to a certain lifestyle and eating habit disorders, stress, gastric, obesity, constipation and so on. Piles is also known as hemorrhoids. It is a condition in which the veins around and in the anus and rectum become swollen. It can be external or internal. It creates intense itching, swelling or lump near the anus, painful bowel movements, bleeding during or after the bowel movement, etc.

When such a condition occurs, Ayurvedic treatment is considered as one of the holistic approaches. As a patient of hemorrhoids, you should expect herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and possibly minimally invasive procedure to treat hemorrhoid.

Kshara paste

Most of the conditions can be treated with the help of medication. Kshara - a caustic alkaline paste is widely used to manages piles. It is applied using a specialized device called a slit proctoscope.

Surgical procedure

The surgical approach is called as Kshara sutra in which special medicated thread is utilized to tie hemorrhoid off at the base. It cuts off the blood supply to the veins. Consequently, hemorrhoid shrinks within 7 to 10 days. Along with the Kshara sutra, you are also recommended dietary or lifestyle adjustments to support healing. Hence, The Ayurvedic treatment for piles in Delhi is worth considering

Ayurvedic cure for pimples

Pimples and acne are one of the common and burning issues amongst teenager, youngster and adults as well. The cosmetic solution might give temporary relief, however, to fix the issue for long term and in the safest manner, Ayurvedic option is considered worthwhile and effective. Here are some of the natural remedies that are effectively used to treat pimples.

Fenugreek leaves: Apply the paste of fresh fenugreek leaves and water overnight. It can be an effective remedy for pimples.

Papaya: The juice of raw papaya is considered a panacea for swollen and painful pimples. Apply it on pimples for immediate relief.

Groundnut oil: All you need to do is to mix the juice of one lime with the equal amount of groundnut oil. Apply it directly on the visible pimples or acne.

Tomato: The pulp of ripe tomato is extremely effective Ayurvedic treatment for pimples. Apply the pulp on the face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Mint Juice: It is an excellent antiseptic lotion for skin. Using it on pimples will prevent any further infection from pimples. It is also effective in skin issues like eczema and rashes.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Informative Tips To Find Out The Best Ayurvedic Doctor

Ayurvedic treatment in India is as old as our ancient tradition. There is hardly any doubt about the fact that it is one of the oldest as well as an effective treatment option for the people of India. However, it has been pervasive all around the globe now. Every human being on this planet is aware of the effective healing potential of Ayurvedic treatment process and that too without imparting any harmful side effects.

Probably, this is the fact why people are looking more and more to the Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi. Choosing and knowing about a potential Ayurvedic doctor is a not an easy task as there is no national license for Ayurveda or a national board who look after or scrutinize those who are practicing Ayurveda. So, I am going to give you some essential tips in this blog, so that you can follow these tips and make the right decision while going to choose the best Ayurveda practitioner.

Education and degree

The right education in any field can make a huge difference and Ayurveda is no exception. In fact, the whole treatment of Ayurveda profoundly relies on how knowledgeable the practitioner is. Whenever you are to consult an Ayurveda doctor, make sure you find out what degree and education in particular field the Ayurveda doctor holds. The more education and degree he holds, the more possibility you have to get a successful treatment from him. Thus, education and the right degree in a particular field of natural or Ayurvedic treatment can be a decisive factor which you must not ignore.

Knowledge of pathology, human anatomy and physiology

It is quite prominent that an Ayurveda doctor must have a sound knowledge of pathology, human anatomy and physiology. The course of BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery) is extended almost 5.5 years in which the Ayurvedic aspirants have been trained deeply about the human anatomy, physiology, diagnosis and pathology of the disease and how to treat different symptoms under the purview of such information. They are trained to understand the diseases from both modern and Ayurvedic perspective. So, this is another factor you should pay attention to.

Experience of the Ayurvedic doctor

The experience plays an vital role in making the right decision during the Ayurvedic treatment. Moreover, an Ayurvedic doctor who has already provided treatment for different disease a number of times in his career will be a more appropriate option to consult for your disease. The experienced Ayurvedic practitioner will be more in a condition to handle complex issues with ease and provide effective treatment for that.

Rational demeanor

One of the traits we tend to overlook is the behaviour of the Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi . It is something we should not ignore at all. Give preference to those practitioners who listens to your problem calmly and with due attention. If he understands you and your issue well, not then you can expect the right treatment of the disease. So, it might be a different-from-the-league type of factor but extremely important for visiting patients.  

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