Diabetes is commonly known as Madhumeha or prameha in Ayurveda that translates as ‘sweet
urine. Madhu means sweet and Meha means urine in Ayurveda, thus the name Madhumeha
arrived as the diabetic urines smell and taste like honey. In Ayurveda, it has been explained that
every individual has a unique blend of dosas divided into three types namely: Vata, Pitta and
Kapha. Vata and Pitta Doshas are airy and dry while Kapha is heavy, cold and slimy.
When doshas get imbalanced, they result in many health-related issues. When your Kapha gets
imbalanced, that is when you get diabetes. Ayurvedic treatments help to remove the imbalance
of this dosha and the treatments will work if you will continue doing them.
Ayurveda itself is unique and so is the treatment provided for a diabetic individuals. Ayurvedic
treatment for Diabetes in Delhi will be provided by Specialists of Aastha Ayurveda that will
include Pathya ( diet ), medication, Vyaayam ( exercise ) and Panchakarma ( procedures related
to bio purifications ). According to Ayurveda, there are twenty types of diabetes, four of them
are caused due to Vata, Six of them are caused due to Pitta and ten of them are caused due to
Kapha. Ayurveda will help in four following ways:
1. Detoxification
Diabetes can result in obesity or emaciation. Detoxification of the body will help
individuals who are not too weak. Panchakarma is one such detoxification programme.
2. Diet
A diet plan for diabetic individuals will contain simple food for regulating sugar in the
body for reducing blood glucose levels. The diest will include light and bitter vegetables,
ghee, herd, barley and other food items that will be differ according to your nature. If
you are someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes then it will be better to ask
diabetes specialists in Aastha Ayurveda to manage the diet plan accordingly.
Some foods must be avoided if you are diabetic such as sugar, oil, jaggery, sugarcane
juice, cakes, sour beverages, a;cohol, curd, junk foods, butter, cold drinks, biscuits, root
rhizome and carbohydrate dense foods.
3. Herbal Remedies
Some herbs are used to help diabitic individuals such as
● Turmeric
● Saptrangi
● Vijaysar
● Bilva
● Gurmar
● Karela
● Tulsi
● Fenugreek
● Neem
● Guggulu
● Amla
4. Lifestyle difference
Ayurveda is not all about remedies but also about yoga and exercies. The treatment
provided by ayurveda will consist of regular yoga sessions including Pranayama, Surya
Namaskar, Balasana, Vajarasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana and Dhanurasana.
Diabetes Reversal is term that is used when significant and long term improvement in insulin-
sensitive individuals haveing type-2 diabetes happens. Diabetes Reversal will happen only when
you will be under th guidance of experts. It is also very importnat to have a lifestyle where you
take you rmedication in right time and amount, where you do yoga and othe rexercices reglary,
where you stay away from food that can be harmful, where you take in consideration of
Ayurvedic experts trying to bring your diabetes in control. Noticable changes can be observed in
span of few months if you will be consistant with the lifestyle choices.
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